Banana Breakfast Helps Lose Weight
Many ways can be done to lose weight. But if you want to lose weight easily and quickly, banana diet can be one right choice.
Diet banana or also known as morning banana diet was first designed by a Japanese pharmacist named Sumiko Watanabe. Initially, wanted to help her husband Hitoshi Watanabe to speed up metabolism and lose weight.
The name morning banana diet is derived from the portion of the diet at breakfast. So you only eat bananas as much as anything over a cup of warm water at breakfast.
In principle, after a breakfast of banana in the morning, you can eat anything except foods rich in saturated fats or Trans fats at lunch and dinner.
Reported by LIVESTRONG on Saturday (13/11/2010), bananas are a source of resistant starch, which is a byproduct of the conversion of some carbohydrates into energy, which could force the body, uses fat to store energy instead of carbohydrates.
Bananas are also a rich source of nutrients, which can curb the desire to eat unhealthy food because they feel more satisfied if nutritional needs are met.
Fiber content and high levels of vitamin C in bananas also can support weight loss quickly.
Besides having the benefits of losing weight, banana claimed also efficacious for improving male fertility.
Banana who lives abundantly in wet tropical climate with moist soil and heats it contains a lot of magnesium, vitamin A, B1, C, and protein that is needed men to enhance and stimulate the production of more sperm.
Substances contained in bananas are what is claimed to enhance fertility. The content of the amino acid L-argentine and L-carnation may improve sperm production.
But, if you are having difficulty bowel movements (constipation), should avoid doing this banana diet, because the content of glucose, sucrose and fructose in the banana can aggravate constipation.
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